When your dog or cat experiences serious illness, an accident or the severe effects of a chronic condition, they may require the services of an urgent care hospital such as the Animal Emergency and Urgent Care Center (AEUCC), a comprehensive center dedicated to providing the full spectrum of surgical and medical interventions for your furry companion. Located in Deerfield Beach, we also serve the surrounding communities of Boca Raton, Coral Springs, Margate, Parkland, Fort Lauderdale and Pompano. The people of South Florida have come to entrust their pets into our care during the most difficult times because our team of veterinarians, specialists and technicians have the skills and commitment to provide the best possible outcomes for dogs and cats.
When you bring your dog or cat to us, we have the skill and equipment necessary to treat diseases of specific organ systems and multisystemic disorders. In order to ascertain the exact nature of your pet’s medical situation, our team of veterinary professionals uses special devices including thoracic and abdominal radiographs, ultrasound and echocardiography systems, Ct and a full in-house laboratory capable to perform a full range of tests in minutes including hematology, chemistry, electrolytes, coagulation profiles, urinalysis, fecal and many other tests needed to quickly evaluate the condition of the patient.
Before deciding on a course of treatment, however, we take the time to speak with you about your pet’s medical history. In addition, we focus on the symptoms that brought you to our animal hospital and obtain the background details about your primary veterinarian that will enable us to communicate with both you and your animal’s regular doctor throughout their stay with us.
There are several common occurrences that frequently require clinical treatment from an emergency care center such as AEUCC. They include the following:
Additionally, there are several specific conditions that require clinical care. These include the following:
Another component of the diagnosis process occurs when the doctor examines various organ systems for diseases or other problems. These include the following:
Once we have conducted a full battery of diagnostic measures to determine the nature and extent of the medical problem your pet is experiencing, we will recommend the best course of treatment. This may include one or more of the following:
When your pet is critically ill, you cannot afford to wait until your veterinarian has an available appointment slot. More often than not, crises happen at night, on weekends or at other times when you cannot count on your regular doctor to be available. Fortunately, our facility has all of the advanced equipment and highly qualified staff you need when your furry family member needs help the most.
It starts with our commitment to constant, accurate communication. At every step in your pet’s care, we will discuss their progress and the various options available. Furnishing you with everything you need to know about the recommendations we formulate will help you to make the best possible decision for your dog or cat. Additionally, we will keep your regular veterinarian informed throughout your pet’s stay with us, collaborating to create a seamless care plan that will go into effect when your pet is discharged back into your care.
We offer a full suite of advanced technology on site, including X-ray, ultrasound, MRI and other imaging systems that will assist us in providing your pet with the best possible diagnosis and care. In situations when we need more information, we will collaborate with expert medical providers who have extensive training in in cancer and cardiac care, toxicology and other specialties. No matter what brings your pet to us, our mission is to provide the same standard of care that we would expect for our own animal companions.
When an emergency or serious illness strikes, that is not the time to desperately search for resources. If you live in Deerfield Beach or the surrounding cities, please keep our contact information in a prominent place. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Know that if you and your pet need us at a critical time, our professional and compassionate staff are there to help. At AEUCC, your pet’s well-being is our highest priority. If you are in need of our emergency pet clinical treatment services, contact the Animal Emergency and Urgent Care Center 24/7 at (954 )428-9888.